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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Addicting cheese rolls

**Picture to come**
These are illegal to make in my house... except for once a month or so.. because I EAT ALL OF THEM!!!

Pillsbury pop can biscuits- The BIG ones
String cheese- each one cut into 3rds.. to have 3 short pieces.. not the long way.
Parmesan cheese- grated
Italian dressing (the actual liquid.. not the powder)

Roll each biscuit out very thin. I like to cut them in half.. just to be able to make more biscuits. Take the 1/2 of the biscuit and roll 1/3 of the string cheese inside. Start at one end of the biscuit and as you roll tuck the sides in. Pinch the sides tight to prevent any cheese from escaping!

Roll the biscuit in italian dressing then in the parmesan cheese.
Cook according to package directions or until golden brown.
Make sure to grease your pan first!

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